Peyton Hudson

Peyton Hudson

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Ive only been teaching for 2 years so still coming up with new and exciting things to do because sometimes my lesson ends and we have 30 minutes left. 

I've learned that each kid is different with behavior. They may respond differently to discipline differently so take time to know them. I also feel like once you take time to ask them about themselves and show interest they behave better. 

Sometimes it is so hard to reachout to these students who seem like they could care less. I think we just need to relate it to something they like. For example, I teach food and nutrition, obviously my students are not all going to become chefs but they might play a sport where they need to focus on their nutrition. 

I think setting your expectations at the beggining of the year are important. Make sure you are clear and consicise. I always make my students bring their sylabus signed by themselves and a gaurdian so that we are all on the same page. Then it holds them accoutnable. 

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