Paula Brummett

Paula Brummett

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KCTCS sets our curriculum in the nursing program. However I need to develop better lesson plans for covering the topics. 

KCTCS sets the curriculum and aligns it with the nursing courses in the ADN program. Competencies are already set as well as learning objectives and student course outcomes. Clinical competency is also evaluated using a set clinical outcomes guide. The instructor planning and providing the content/activities is highly important for the student's success. The instructor has to provide the required content to meet those learning outcomes. That is challenging at times as an instructor of less than 2 years. 

Nursing uses quizzes, module tests and final exams. Nursing is an Associate Degree program. Clinical performance is a satisfactory or unsatisfactory bases on their performance. If an unsatisfactory is given remediation is provided. Test and the final exam are preparing them for their licensure exam.  

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