Pierre Cyr

Pierre Cyr

About me


I was really grateful that this course gave considerable attention to adult learners and career college students, since that is who I am teaching now.  I have taught mostly traditional college students for the last fourteen years, and this course helped me learn more about what motivates adult learners and some of the ways (and reasons why) they might struggle in learning new material.

One of the suggestions I read in this module for helping instructors to remember student names was to take pictures of them. Would all students feel comfortable with that? It seems a bit questionable. How do others feel about this?

I suppose my observation is primarily about creating a professional image in the classroom, but it also seems to affect teacher/student rapport and the nature of the teacher/student relationship. Over the years, I've found that individual instructors tend to have very strong preferences about whether or not they would allow students to address them by first name. Some instructors only allow students to address them by their professional title (e.g., Dr. So-and-so) or standard formal address (e.g., Mr. or Mrs. So-and-so). My last name can be difficult to pronounce for some students, so on the first day of class I… >>>

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