About me
About me
Hi Jane ~
I wanted to first say, I too am a new instructor, and have also gained alot of information through this course.
But , you will gain confidence as you practice, instruct, if you have the passion and the desire to share you're knowledge with you're learner's, the rest will come through experience. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the knowledge & trying to anticipate how I will apply it in the learning setting.
Like Deanna, I too am becoming a career college instructor with no formal education in teaching. I practiced in the profession that I will be instructing in for over 12 years, and felt confident in my skills, I was always striving to improve and grow. I have not been practicing for the last 5 years, so I'm reading and doing internet research to get up to date with all the latest changes. I feel nervous about applying what I know, preparing for, and anticipating student questions, but I learned alot from ED101, so I'm hoping to apply this and becomeā¦ >>>
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Wow, isn't this inspiration to all of us as instructors!!! I know it is to me, both for the lab/clinic/classroom, and for life in general :)))
thanks Roger