I really embrace the stated key objective " help student's develop professional behaviors". This is very important in advancing one's career and being viewed as a professional in the work environment.
Internships help students build their skills while really looking into what their career is all about. In addition, the organization doing the internship can really see the worthiness of such a program.
I have been very familiar with HIPPA, and the importance of knowing what to safeguard. FERPA is just as important and all instructors need to have knowledge of this topic especially when it comes to releasing any information about a student. Knowing what is personally identifiable is an area that helped me during this module. Lots of information to absorb!
Learner motivation is a significant topic to keep in mind when teaching and preparing for your class. I feel by remembering that adult learners are goal oriented, relevancy oriented, and practical , the instructor can build on motivational strategies to help students become successful in their learning . Motivation utilizing reinforcement through immediate feedback is a cornerstone for learner motivation .
Students are people. As an instructor, we must consider the human factor which equates to instructional success. The module brought out a great point regarding the human factor as a foundation in which we build our reputation as a dedicated instructor. I am one to really push personal attention in the classroom !
I feel understanding student frustration is a key ingredient to our overall topic of student retention. Being mindful of intrinsic student needs and extrinsic will set the stage for successful student learning. I really appreciate Maslow's hierarchy in helping to achieve student learning needs.
Very important to understand the definiton of all terms concerning this topic especially what constitutes consent.
The title topic is most appropriate "building a safer campus". This topic has been very informative regarding what needs to be done regarding sexual harassment, violence and so on. Title IX is definitely a must for all schools to utilize in creating a safer campus and having a blueprint to follow. .
I found this information to be very interesting but vey detailed to absorb. Lots of info to learn about! VAWA, Clery Act , Title IX
I am an advocate for different types of assessment when evaluating your student's learning. The rubric is a very helpful assessment tool for both the teacher and student.
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