Peter Trujillo

Peter Trujillo

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Follow-up on assignments. 

I found the section of follow up assignments to be reflective regarding reading material.  I struggled with my first weeks of teaching and getting students to read.  I found it challenging as a student to read but quickly discovered as a professor how important it is stay up to date on reading material.  I would like to develop this area by coordinating quizzes or assignments based in reading material 

Minute papers 

I also found the minute papers to be a good alternative to help with engagement.  Often times, my students were frustrated because I didn't give them… >>>

I've learned that the syllabus can be a strength or weakness to classroom leadership.  From a student perspective, I've seen the syllabus be utilize as a self learning method where it's the students responsibility to review the syllabus.  Unfortunately, the previous approach  only considers one style of learning.  I appreciate the focus on key bullet points of the syllabus by using different font or bolded fonts to get key messages accross to the students.  

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