Flipped classroom used as active learning tool where the students learn from teaching themselves and other students. Pbl can be combined with collaborative learning. Giving a small group and problem and then they have to use their critical thinking skills to solve the problem.
Ive never used a rubic.What is it?
Active learning engagement must be promoted and encouraged. Some students need help coming out of their shell. Positive feedback on the students work is always helpful and lets them know that even though there is no F2F the instructor is paying attention.
Reply to Jane Brady's post: I had the same problem.....the students were just logging in using audio. I gave everyone extra credit if the logged in via video. After the first initial video loggin was complete it was never an issue again.
You need a back up plan for what is going to happen when the technology fails. The internet is not always available in every area.
Students who choose the online active learning must realize there is more to it than answering a disscusion question, doing the assignment and taking a test by a certain date. Many people who take online classes are in the mindset of this is how online classes are taught. The are not ready for active learning.
Schools need to help in the technology area. They also need to be available in other areas where the student… >>>
Reply to JULIUS GRANATA's post:Unfortunatly schools want the students to use the online technologies but can not always provide the equipment......answering from experience
I am not a fan of on line learning because I felt like I was a "sage on the stage."
Active learning focuses on giving the students more controll with their learning by getting them more involved in their lessons and with their classmates. The instructor is there for guidence and to encourage deductive reasoning.
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