Rosemary Angle

Rosemary Angle

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I have learned that it is important to get to know all your students and your students get to know other classmates online.

I have learned din this module that if we as instructors know the online structure and policies for quizzes and exams as well as knowing how to navigate and know how to solve simple technology issues. The students will not be so frustrated and will not drop out of the classes and will have high retention.

Always be positive and be clear in explaining.

A lot of the things mentioned I already apply in my class. I did learn how to give the students more time to come up with an answer and not rush to give them the answer or call on someone else, instead guide them to the answer. This will should them confidence and help motivate them.

I have learned that goal setting is great to have something to work towards.

Yes it is

Goal seeting is good for you to be orgbainzed aachieve goals.

It is important to get to know your student and to make them ccountable for there actions.

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