Social media is a key resource for technical writers -- our tech writing certificate includes coursework on using digital media for conveyiing information and marketing. And its global reach is undeniable.
This was a very exciting module. I've taken courses from and with faculty around the world, and I can see how those relationships might open opportunities for our students. I'm mulling ideas for a sabbatical proposal....
As a writing teacher, I see so many opportunities for research projects for students here -- but I can also see partnering with other faculty whose students will be engaged in internships or clinicals to build in writing/research complements to give students exposure to role writing and critical reading/thinking will play in their work environments.
This was extremely helpful. We have models of creating writing courses for specific organizations; this could be one model we could use for engaging with partnerships. But even shy of that, I can see creating writing/research projects that have students investigating these things on their own -- such as analyzing annual reports for evidence of the global competencies that might be needed by those organizations.
I really like the rubrics -- they could be readily added to the rubrics for written assignments I already use. And the kind of project in the example so closely parallels the kinds of things I do in my technical writing course (though they would present a written proposal or report in a writing class, of course, along with a presentation). This module and the last have the wheels turning about how global competence could be built into a few of the projects we do in the course.
This may have been the most immediately useful module so far - the resources and ideas for designing indtruction are things I can tap into to begin revising or designing projects. But the resources will take some time to explore!
One thing I'm realizing is that, though I can design individual assignments to incorporate these principles, many of these suggestions will require buy in from a number of stakeholders. Curricular changes to things like outcomes and objecti and course descriptions go through a series of processes, and are assessed for their impact on various programs ano articulation of courses to other institutions.
I can see designing writing a series of writing assignments that would maybe build around applying for a job or internships abroad. Students would need to research a range of written and interpersonal communicatjon skills as well as very practical things about living and working in their target country.
It struck me after completing the module that this isn't going to be a solo effort -- I won't just be looking for ways to internationalize my own technical writing courses. If it's to be fully implemented, I will need to get at least a few faculty in some of our CTE programs on board, so we can begin pressing the college to support some of these larger changes (such as building those relationships with local and international institutions).
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