I think its important to remember that a student with a disability is a student first, and a person with a disability second. Students with disabilities come to college for the same reasons everyone else does.
Understanding the needs of people with disabilities allows for more appropriate accommodation and equal access. Strategies for accommodation should be individualized as a one size fits all is not the answer. I had never heard of Universal Design and it was interesting to learn about.
Looking at the student's individual needs is imperative when helping those with disabilities. Not all disabilities are visual and accomodations may need to be provided.
higher learning institutions are required to provide accomodations for persons with disabilities.
We need to act with integrity, fairness, consistency and purpose. Our interactions with students need to be based on facts, not feelings and create an environment of trust.
Always be honest, with verifiable facts when talking to students. Misrepresentation can have severe consequences.
It is imperative to know the metrics you are using or refer the student to the person that has that exact information.
Wehn giving information to potential students, it is best to use only facts and not opinions.
All schools must be transparent. Properly disclosing and not misrepresenting information is key.
The role of the state regulatory board is to ensure schools are compliant. I intend to follow the guidelines to stay in compliance.
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