Ryan Davis

Ryan Davis

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Laughing is a natural way of calling attention, if a person hears laughter they naturally want to know what is funny. I believe we have so many stresses in our modern life that there are to few true pleasures left. Laughing is one of them. When a student laughs he/she encourages the people around him/her to focus. This is a great technique for pulling the student interests back, the humor must be clean an avoid offense. If your timing is right you can cause time freeze in you classroom, it will appear that time has slowed. When the end of… >>>

What are some of the key signs of trouble brewing in a modern student? Could they be withdrawn for a reason? I find that experience counts here, not just in teaching, in people. Pulling from your own experience has always been a good way or drawing from a close friends trails and tribulation. Human first, teacher second is always a good way to teach but never as easy as it sounds. I try to take a step back and view from an outside perception. Look for things like quite, not smiling during good times, excessive phone use, sleepiness or lack… >>>

Gen-x offer moderen problems to moderen people. To start to conect to the Generation first way must understand them. Thier attention span is shorter than ever, constanly needing there enviroment to change or they will grow board. Gen-x students comunicate on a whole new level, text, e-mail, im, facebook, myspace you name it. Gen-x are also masters of research, our generation beleved the teacher, they will double check. please share ways you have been sucessful dealing with Gen-x an failures too.

As we all know being professional is an important part of being a sucessful instructor/teacher. You will be seen as an example of how the student should behave once he/she enters the work place. In some case we find professional can also come off as cold. It is important for any eductator to open them self's up to the student without crossing the line to unproffessional behavior. Alway give a kind ear and "hear" what the student is telling you don't just listen. look for sign of stress and evalutate the situation. Try to remember some personal detail about the… >>>

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