Rich Diegle

Rich Diegle

About me


Our team meetings have been very efficient and effective. Our meeting agenda is always clear and sent out beforehand. Lasting only about an hour, the education manager does a great job of keeping us on task and giving us the information we need to do our jobs and the praise for doing a great job. This course helped me valadate the effectiveness of our team meetings.
I know in this business, there are a wide variety of skill sets and competence levels. This sometimes translates unto team members working as individuals not team players. How do you get team members to gel quickly as a team?
I like to interject unique repair experiences and anecdotes from my years in the field into my lectures to form a more cohesive connection between what the students are learning and what they may expect in the field. They seem to pay more attention in lecture, retain a higher percentage of their study material and are excited to go out to the lab and put their new-found knowledge to work.
Discussion Comment
I've noticed that often students give up too easily when a tool or clip car is broken. I like showing them how to look for creative alternatives. This simple exercise can teach them to be more self-confident and effective in their jobs and possibly their personal lives. It also helps when EOC evaluation time comes - the “Tools and Training Aids” scores stay up as well as retention rates.

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