About me
About me
I found the information very helpful. I've struggled with being able to motivate some students and I will take some of this information and apply it in my classes and I believe it will be helpful. I particularly like the idea of breaking the class in groups and letting them work together on some assignments. I believe it will help them open up and also get to know their classmates.
Soft skills are extremely important. This course was very imformative and explains how soft skills play a huge roll being able to connect with not only the students but the other faculty and staff and helps us all work as a team.
Great information in this course. I plan on using more mini lectures in my class now to keep my students interested. I teach night classes so it's hard to keep them focused as the night goes on and everyone gets tired. I will also try to incorporate different teaching styles to change it up a little and that way I know I'm touching all my students.
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End of Content
I often give rewards to my students when they have accomplished a goal or I see they are going the extra mile they get extra credit on a homework assignment. I'll offer extra credit points on flash cards. Not only do they get extra credit for them but it's a very useful study tool. It helps keep them motivated and gives them something to strive for and it's also a self-esteem boost when they achieve a goal. When they feel good about their accomplishments then they are going to try even harder and be more productive and other students will… >>>