Try this one, take a minute vacation-close your eyes go to your vacation spot mentally. It takes a minute but what a great relief. Added bonus--rotate your neck slowly first to the left and then to the right---the slower the better.
The manager must model both leadership and managerial behaviors for his team. I remember the best manager I had was one who "walked the talk, not just talked the walk."
Use postems to have individuals come up with ideas and then use a gallery wall, or white board for the individuals to post them. Have everyone wall by and move them in groups. Great way to get everyone's input.
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Performance Groups
Career Ed Lounge is embedded in over eighty professional development portals serving the career and technical education community. Performance Groups in the Lounge are integrated with related learning opportunities offered on these portals. With a few exceptions, Performance Groups are also publicly available to any member of the Lounge to maximize peer-to-peer learning and performance outcomes.