Rhiannon Deason

Rhiannon Deason

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Making sure there is effective communication in any format is important for student engagement and learning.

Navigational simplicity help make a course and what is expected easier to understand.

Multiple ways of evaluating not just students but instructors allows the best course of action for meaningful feedback. 

Assessments are for students to help them reach achievements, not something that is done to them.

Making use of website tools over flat syllabi is important to make sure the message of what is expected is clear. 

Consistency is key! While the material already be provided, making it my own and keeping the language consistent throughout is essential. 

Students are all different and will be different types of learners. Keeping an eye on what type of learners everyone is and making sure everyone is getting what they need out of the material is pertinent to their success. Making sure there are no bad behaviors being presented in online learning, especially in synchronous settings is key. 

Engaging students in asynchronous learning is important for student engagement and participation. Keeping lessons engaging helps students learn. 

It is important to engage with students so they know who you are in a professional setting and show them that you are taking the time to learn who they are. 

As an instructor, it is important to not only know the material that is being covered, but also understand how to teach it in an online environment so students are understand the material and what is expected of them. There are several ways to engage students with online platforms to make sure they understand and retain that information being presented. 

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