It only takes a few simple adjustments to create a better learning environment for someone with ASD, however, it can be challenging for the instructor to come up with the best alternate teaching strategies. Individuals with ASD will have different needs, so first those needs must be identified.
I did not think there was a higher divorce rate among couples who have children with ASD and I am glad that is a myth.
I think there is more specific training that needs to be provided for post-secondary instructors especially for hands-on learning and lab courses.
I did not think about how much a person with ASD might stand out from other students and how this can make them feel exposed and want to withdraw more thus perpetuating the cycle.
I did not realize how much the prevalence has increased and how common ASD is. It was insightful to learn about the common signs/symptoms and presentation of ASD as well as common co-morbidities.
Students in healthcare fields need to be computer literate as they will be using electronic medical records and will need to navigate the internet looking for research.
Lifelong learning for science based professions is a must. Science and technology are forever advancing and we must stay up to date.
I will try to encourage and assign students to present material or concepts to the rest of the class in order to refine public speaking skills.
Writing with proper grammar and structure is difficult for many people. There are resources such as Grammarly which can help, but the student still needs to organize and structure their thoughts appropriately in order to convey their message or answer the prompt.
Soft skills such as communication, professionalism, and active listening are not inherent skills and need to be integrated into classroom teaching.
Creativity can be cultivated in the classroom through various methods such as brainstorming, problem solving, and encouraging lateral thinking.
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