Rebekah Hollenberg

Rebekah Hollenberg

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The 7 goals of learning help engage students in their own success and help make the educator more successful at keeping focus in all the right areas, most of which are: communication, communication, communication!

Various types of online resources can help create a more dynamic interface for students. Using social media platforms with which they're likely already familiar with may help integrate learning as they cross different platforms to discuss ideas.

Key concepts are ensuring that students know they can apply the information they are gaining to their own lives and know its importance, and the reason for its necessity. Engaging students more often with the content, such as using Exit Slips, discussion boards, or group projects, as well as reiterating and teaching effective and complete comunication skills are crucial.

The orientation to online learning format and introduction of new concepts such as how to organize their time like a closet and communication with the instructor and other students are all equally as important as the normal introductions to the class itself. Connecting with each student 1:1 at the beginning of the course helps them feel connected and gives opportunity to answer questions, address their specific needs, and iron out any wrinkles in their confidence about online learning.

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