Rocklan Kopylec Sr

Rocklan Kopylec SrCHEP

About me


Hello Marie

I have been instructing for 15 years and my one suggestion is to have the classroom prepared before class, then be at the classroom door 15 to 20 minutes ahead of the bell to start the class.  Meet and greet the students on the way into class everyday! When the bell rings if you see them running for the door hold the door for them. I know that our school managers ask that the students be seated before the bell but this gives them the benefit of doubt the first time. The second time is a reminder to that person that you… >>>

Just write the concerns that you have about work on a note pad so you can at least free it from your thoughts. As I warm up the car I look to free myself of work so before I leave the driveway my thoughts are on my personal thoughts and things that I need to accomplish on the way home.

I would like to enter into a discussion on Hands on Training vs Classroom. Having all four of the learning styles to work with I like to use state changes thru out my day in class. I will take the class into a lab area with instruction sheets and give the group the class around the diesel equipmen. The clue to make this change is when the line to the break area has started. This exercise does the trick to keep the class on task. I will look to the clock and if we haven't had a state change in… >>>

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