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About me
Having a variety of wide stemming services for students can be essential in preventing students from withdrawing from the university.
The scenerio with the parent driving in the car and cutting over and my reaction was a good thought process on our intial reaction and then our reaction once we knew all the facts. This to me is key in understanding the facts as you work with a student so you can make a more informed decision or provided better services more suited to their needs.
Academic Erosion that leads into Stagnation can be prevented through intervention of concerned faculty for the success of the student. This can be achieved by several methods, but being invested in the success of the student and providing several destressors to assist in their learning can prevent this from occurring.
Retention is everyone's responsibility. Attrition can be curtailed with analysis and discussion with the student body.
Great subject matter. I can see where the combination of the two is effective and also the use of two different individuals in this position is just as important.
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