Automotive technology tests are designed after the ASE certification exams. True/false and multiple choice questions, with a Tech A/Tech B states approach. Students have to decide which statements from two different Tech's are correct. This form of testing prepares them for the certification exams.
Planning questions in preparation for the class and giving individual students more time to respond are key elements. Try to control the responses but do not shut down vocal students' enthusiasm.
Having students prepare before class is not new and should be expected. Webquests would be a great way to have students prepare and stay involved.
Beginning the class meeting by "checking in" each student. Using sentence stems and engaging students with energy and positivity. Followed by closing the end of the class meeting on an upbeat note also.
Our Automotive Technology course utilizes the fully electronic web-based textbooks. They can be downloaded and stored for future reference and also allow a search feature to quickly locate information. PowerPoints', videos, and visual media offer a variety of learning tools.
Evaluating students' knowledge of the technology that you will use in the course is just the beginning. The learning curve can be shared amongst the facilitator and the student.
Being positive and believing that each student will become successful has to be a selling point that you deliver without exception. I think that we all can remember how empowering it is to have someone believe in you.
Learning objectives and debriefing can be thought of as a quality control to be built into the classroom.
Table and seating arrangements are important. Colors and music can calm and energize learners bringing a fun atmosphere to the classroom.
Not being the "expert" but rather showing your interest in the subject. Making it fun and exciting to learn.
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