Robert Mallon

Robert Mallon

About me


In all seriousness, the money is often a subject of conversation for students who are upset with a class, or their performance, or an instructor. "What am I paying for?" or worse "What a waste of money!". The opposite is also true... I see students, especially young ones right out of high school, who spend a lot of money to come to school, and then treat it like high school. They perform poorly or fail without ever trying to do well. The pendulum swings both ways, and handling students as customers and showing them the value of what they're paying… >>>

Any student with a failing grade at midterm is given a form that asks them to define why they believe they are failing, and has them set goals and measurable actions to improve their grades. For many of my students this is the first time they have set actual goals, and those that actually follow their plans do very well turning their grades around.
And the customer is always right... Shouldn't they all be getting 4.0s?

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