Robin Jonas

Robin Jonas

About me


Making stduents feel at home and learn at the same time is the key to retention.


Robin Jonas


Retention is essential if not for your institution but also for the studnet that had high hopes and for some reason fell short of those goals.

Robin Jonas

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I am a nurse instructor so I have to role model what I do in the classroom and in the field. Many times I just want to dress comfortably for the day but I know they watch me every move. they also watch me in the facility so I have to watch what I do as s nurse also. It is essential to be the person we want them to be. It matters. Robin Jonas
I agree that when a student cheats he breaks my trust. But I don't want to throw that student out. Maybe this is why he does it. So after the first time I will talk with him being very careful that I don't outright accuse him but mention what I believe. Then we try together to find out why. What does it think is his problem and why would he risk his reputation to do this. Hopefully at the end we can make a plan and change his behavior. Robin Jonas

I had a student who though that she knew all the content and then when she flunked the tests she blamed it on me. I reflected and then sat down with her to talk to hr. She stated that she knew the content and that my test questions were the reason she failed. I pointed out nicely to her that she is on the text all the time and also talks in the back of the room. The second week she perked up and participated ending up passing the class. It takes a teacher to go above an beyond to… >>>

Some times due to time constraints and ill preparation I find that I have to go back and deal with an error I may have made. At these times I apologize to the students and then try to make it right. They appreciate my honesty and I try not to let it happen very often. Robin Jonas
It is essential that student feedback is in the form of encouragement. Yes we need to communicate failure to students if they are not meeting rubric and grading standards but we still want them to be successful. It is important o guide the student to do the work while also maintaining the guide on the side. Robin Jonas
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Frustration can grow and change based on the type of learner. Handling communication with each type of learner takes change. IF the facilitator is a baby boomer he or she may not know how to appeal to the young learner. It is essential to communicate the way the course will be handled up front and in the syllabus and then reiterate it throughout the course. Robin Jonas
Many times my students grow tired of posting to the same topics. The threads in my course can become monotonous at times. I find my self reminding students of proper communication and a positive attitude, Establishing good behaviors in communication is essential in netiquette. Does anyone have a problem with improper behavior in their classes? Thank you, Robin Jonas
I find myself using all types of communication to get students to participate in the threads. They often lose themselves after week 4.They fall off the face of the earth I am not a technological savvy person so I have learned to twitter, text, and email with the youngest of them. I find that I must enlist modern and old types of communication in order to appeal to all types of learners in my courses. Robin Jonas

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