Robin Ritchea

Robin Ritchea

About me


As teachers, we have limitations on the miracles we can perform. Students need to help themselves as well. I have students who are definitely challenged, and yet, when I offer them extra help/tutoring, they do not take me up on the help. On the other hand, I have students with severe learning disabilities who have succeeded because I've worked with them. They have been able to tell me what they need and how they need it. Part of teaching is being creative. However, I believe that all teachers need to have extra classes and extensive continuing education to update their… >>>

Discussion Comment

I was teaching at a high school in Detroit, and in order to increase student reading, I stocked my own library in the classroom with books that were on the banned book lists. When students found out that the books had been banned, they were excited about reading them. And some of the books were banned for things that seem so innocent now, that the students had very intelligent conversations about how the banning of the particular book was uncalled for. I added books that students requested (after reading them myself), and I made sure to balance the books between… >>>

Yes, the learners in the higher levels of speaking and writing have issues in the classroom as well. I know that we are discussing some of the ELL and English deficient learners, but a chasm also exists between the so-called gifted learners and others. One of the most important lessons that I have ever learned was the simple KISS method. "Keep It Simple, Stupid" is very important to writing and speaking in order to communicate effectively with all levels of learning. Some of my students who have larger vocabularies and higher verbal levels get bored and feel left out because… >>>

Every class has diversity. Every student is different from other students. My major issue with group work (other than my personal abhorrence regarding it) is the student who does not contribute because s/he is learning impaired. Other students may not understand and be angry if they see this student contributing less. However, they may not be asking the right questions for the student to adequately, positively contribute. As I learn more about teaching, I have been able to sit down with groups who have a mismatch in communication abilities, but what about when the teacher is NOT present? What do… >>>

My latest communication issue involves teaching in a computer lab. I have too many students in the classroom with to few computers, so I initially started out on a bad foot with my class. I explained that I am trying to get them what they need, although it is difficult. Now that the class size is decreased, I am having a problem with some of the students logging in to FaceBook and various webpages. I continually walk and lecture around the room, and when I see the students off task, I call their name and focus some attention on them.… >>>

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