Rosie Branciforte

Rosie Branciforte

About me


Typically discussion prompts are provided within the online delivery. These prompts and responses create the online classroom. However, the instructor must play an active role to drive, move, and provide tools to probe deeper into ideas and thoughts in the student responses. If an instructor is absent, the classroom will become as unruly as a traditional on ground one. Students will be off topic and informal if not facilitated properly. Thus, the instructor must take the responsibility of facilitator as a serious job!
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I have found that the best way to create a presence in a virtual classroom is the Live Chat. In my first online experience I had office hours, however, the interaction was one email at a time. In a recent experience, I had specific times and a room and the results were fantastic. We spoke about assignments, the syllabus, and other issues... weekly. I believed it helped retention and completing timely assignments, so I recommend this practice!
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The biggest hurdle I have noticed among new online learners is computer skills. Many do not know how to type,add a space, and then place a period along with features such as copy and paste and creating margins. These are just a few of the basic skills that we take for granted. So, to help these learners I have created little "how-to" Word files with screen shots. Getting ready must include understanding these skills!!
When I offer suggestions to fellow instructors, my main point is be happy and love your material. Students will not motivate themselves so it is up to the instructor. I also recommend the text by Jenson titled Active Learning which offers activites that will engage learners with lesson content. The days of standing in front of a room and spewing information are gone.. students want it real, relevant, and exciting. Talking heads go home!
An instructor needs to understand that once in the classroom "it is not about me". The focus must always be on the students - are they learning, are they paying attention, did they understand the concept? I have made a conscious effort throughout my career of leaving my personal feelings, pains, or concerns outside the door. Students pay a lot of money for courses so they deserve 100% - not a half-hearted 75% because I have a pain!
I share this sentiment with students the first week of classes... be here and do what we are doing. It reminds them of their responsibility in my classroom. If they can meet this challenge, I then must supply the reason for attending. If I create an exciting and interesting learning environment along with positive nurturing feedback, they will return each day. Retention is the sum total of many different steps and strategies with the instructor at the hub. I love being the hub!

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