Giving the students more time to process a question especially for the slower learners is a technique I am going to incorporate into my classroom, as well as re-wording the way I ask procedural questions so I do not make any student feel dumb or intimidated. This course eye-opening.
Great insight and recommendations for active learning. The example of rubrics were helpful and I liked the movie/producer analaogy of how we guide the student to develop better outcomes. I learned how important it is to provide frequent feedback to the students throughout the term, including more positive feedback and encourageement.
I agree, failing technology or issues with mediums such as Zoom or other platforms is very frustrating for both the instructor and th students. Having plan B is a great idea. In addition, I learned how important it is for students to take responsibility for their learning and for the development of self-reflection and critical thinking.
Very informative section. I have taught in higher education at a university for over 7 years, and we had to do PPT's/ lecture format. It was only due to Covid 19 that all the instructors had to transition online. Initially it was a stressful, overwhelming transition, however now I'm much more used to it. I have given the students lecture assignments and videos to watch to engage them and help promote active-learning. They are also required to respond to a weekly discussion board prompt and respond to 2 peers in the class. This course has given me a few more ideas.
The flipped classroom or online learning is growing and gaining momemtum. I think it was fast-forwarded a little due to Covid 19. I know for me as an instructor at a private university, I had to learn quickly how to utilize Zoom and other platforms where students locate all their materials and submit assignments instead of lecturing on campus. This presents a challenge to reach all learning styles. You have to find ways to be creative and engage the students. That being said, the internet an on demand courses are so easily accessible for life long learning.
I have noticed several students in our program that do not know how to write or put together a cohesive and organized paper. Grammar and punctuation are an issue as well. It is quite surpriising and I wonder how these students made it through high school. Thankfully we have a writing center on our campus where they can get help- if they choose to.
Critical thinking can be a difficult concept to teach and to learn. To sone it comes more naturally, however, to most it is a life-long process. It is crucial as instructors to foster and encourage students to critically think. I learned that I need to allow more time for students to think before I jump in and answer, and to develop more activities that will promote discovery learning and creative techniques. In addition, it is important to foster self-directed learning and encourage self-mamagement such as time-keeping, prioritizing tasks, and developing personal integrity.
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