Robert  Plotke

Robert Plotke

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I would agree with Carol if indeed we were updating our skills.  I do not feel this was an updated module but a review.  I would like to see a section of information that is new or has changed.  I to agree that a review is important every year to make sure that those considerations that are specific and important to a particular job are being complied with. 

Discussion Comment

Hi DeAndre,

I too enjoyed the management course.  I am working on a project to implement Collaborative and Cooperative learning in our college classes.  This is a directive at the corporate level.  I have developed a mission statement and began the steps necessary to implement a instructor training module.  I am having some difficulty as to how to present@reddea0719 : the work done so far to the corporate office.  Any suggestions?


I very much agree with you regarding a lack of interaction as a learning environment and learning tool.  It might be a good idea to have so Blog starters.  Concepts that we can discuss that have some teeth that are thought provoking. 

Discussion Comment

I found the section of FEPA very much lacking in content and examples.  This topic is especially important for Program Directors and needed to be beefed up.

Very Much Enjoyed ED 108 with real practical information and application.

Technology has improved both in functionality and cost that demonstrations and hands on manipulation are both interactive, technically simple and and excellent learning platform. New plug and play sensors allow student to seen real time physical effects that can be viewed on the laptop or sent to a multi-media projector. A very basic lab set up can be as inexpensive a 500 dollars to get started.

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