Robert Nalepa

Robert NalepaCHEP

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One other way I have found to provide a scaffold is to reduce the amount of information, or the number of skills, that must be learned at one time. To use an example from the course material, learning to ride a bike was discussed. The use of training wheels is an example of the scaffold used so that the learner could practice repeatedly until the scaffold was no longer necessary. Another approach would be to remove the pedals from the bike so the learner would push along with their feet. Once they achieved the balance to push and coast for… >>>

Discussion Comment
I like the emphasis on relevance. Students have so many choices on where to devote their time and attention that they will naturally disengage from learning that they don't think is relevant. A teacher who strives to make lessons relevant is naturally approaching their teaching in a student centered way. When you consider how something could be relevant to students, you must have an understanding of who your students are and why they're in class.
Simulations and games are great ways to have experiential learning, but as our course material emphasized, a good debrief is important. The debrief is an opportunity to reach the higher levels of learning such as synthesis and evaluation. It provides an opportunity to reflect on not only what went well or not, but also thinking of ways to improve or correct what occurred. Debriefing provides an opportunity for both student and teacher to critically think and problem solve.

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