Stephanie Amador

Stephanie Amador

Location: florida

About me

My name is Stephanie, and I am very interested in furthering individual students' information. If you have any questions feel free to reply to any of my posts on here.


tv, movies, etc.


outgoing, multi-tasker, etc.


Most institutions have a set way of advertising, but now a days the market has expanded but most schools use similar methods. Does anyone have unique marketing ideas they would like to share?

I think this is important because our current day and age is changing and evolving around technology. I think in order to stay in tune with the world, one needs to know the importance of technology. Now combining this mentality in addition to academics allows them to become better learners and overall a better student.

@jcolonorelup : I think the best way to break the ice with a student is to discuss something you both have in common and engage in the conversation. I think it is also important to let them be aware that you are there to assist them in anything they need. However, the most important factor is building a continual bond with them.

Discussion Comment

I think Marketing is important, but it is often difficult when other schools are using the same tools and methods. Is there anything that anyone has done that is unique? Any ideas for marketing outside of lead generation companies and print and TV ads?

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