Scott Barber

Scott Barber

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I intend to be familiar with all the setting and e-learning structure. As an instructor it is my responsibility to use e-learning to the best of my ability when conducting my class. 

As this section spoke about, a humans brain only will stay focused for 15-18minutes. to keep the students engaged it is important to vary the teaching style. Be unique. Practice, demo, and prepare. You need to be an individual during your lecture without getting boring. 

During the first class you should introduce yourself, let the students know who you are. It is a good idea to write your name on the board. Always model the 3 M's. 

Planning and being prepared in a necessity. This allows the students to come to class calm and ready to learn. They know your are not rushing and welcoming them into a learning environment. When you prepare it also allows your mind to refresh the material you will be teaching for the next day or week and gather your thoughts. This reduces the random bird trails or wasted time during the class. 

You are a leader, It is important to be the model so your students know what to expect in the field and be excited for it. I think it is important to learn from past professors whether we liked or disliked their teaching style, however we should be unique to ourself. 

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