About me
About me
Good list. I'm feeling more hopeful about 2015 with clear vision and a good team. I'm curious to see how our processes will make a positive impact on our vision. I think everyone wants improved outcomes but may not see how the new processes will make everyone's lives easier. I intend to lead that and model that. Great site!
This training corresponds to the book I'm re-reading called "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey. I've been in a new management/leadership role for just over a year now and am learning a lot. I've frequently been in the fire and am now getting into a rhythm of leadership that seems to be successful. I look forward to learning more on this important topic and keep improving my skills an relationship with others.
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I just finished the ML111 Leading and Motivating class and thoroughly benefitted from it. The challenges of being a manager/leader are numerous and I am fortunate to have role models in my past and present who have exemplified strong qualities of both. Appreciated the steps in dealing with challenging employees who are resistant to the vision and the tip of "don't try to motivate problem employees but help them motivate themselves." Spot on. Great class.