Based on what we are seeing now text messages are the preferred method of contact. Students are not responding to email nor are they returning voice mail messages at a high rate. We still attempt multiple calls, and have protocols for when and how to leave a message, but the effectiveness of this method is not like it was 5 or 10 years ago.
Overcoming objections is probably the most important thing an admissions professional can learn and perfect to help increase conversion rates as well as addressing all the student concerns. In the conversation activities at our institution the appointment set rates and show rates are the two we constantly discuss and focus our training efforts.
The 10 commandments is a good start and the other thing is the saying “practice makes perfect”. The DOA, and/or other leadership must ensure a quality training program is in place, have the ability to record and monitor calls for training, and hold regular training and retraining sessions. Even the best admissions counselor will stray from the script over time if the key points are not reinforced on a regular basis.
Inbound calls are some of the highest converting leads an institution will receive and should be handled with care. Ensuring the individual at the school receiving the call is not distracted, is well-trained, and understands the hierarchy pyramid is crucial.
I learned about the different behavior traits of leaners that include the noisy learner, quite learners, disruptive learners, procrastinators, and those who are intimidators. Given the multitude of different personalities in the classroom the potential for conflict is present. The module points out the need to address and defuse the conflict as soon as possible so it does not escalate into a bigger situation. The module also covered the many reasons learners no longer continue in the online environment, which are things all instructors must keep an eye out for to help prevent attrition as well as assisting the students… >>>
Instructors need to have a solid understanding of how to facilitate asynchronous discussions. In my experience I have been both a student and an instructor in courses where the discussion boards were not robust leading to feelings of isolation. These situations increase failure and drop rates, and greatly influences retention and graduation rates in online programs. It would be ideal to have synchronous components to classes, which many schools are utilizing now, but there are disadvantages to this approach especially for the student that requires maximum scheduling flexibility. It is also helpful to identify the different learning styles of the… >>>
The takeaways for this module include the need for the instructor to ‘project’ their presence since the interactions are different in the online environment. These include the need to lead and facilitate the discussions and ensure timely responses. The weekly announcements and reminders are helpful ways to accomplish this in addition to regular participation in the various assignments and participation requirements. I also think posting a good bio in the introduction board, or whatever the LMS calls the forum, that includes academic credential, professional credentials, as well as something on hobbies and other outside the classroom interests. Finding common ground… >>>
My takeaways from this module include the need for a course to have a solid structural integrity, easy navigation, a link between the assignments and course learning objectives, as well as an active learning environment. I have experienced many courses over the years, even before distance education was online, where these requirements were not met and it created a very poor experience for both the learner and the instructor. Another is the need for the instructor to have a solid understanding of how the LMS functions, and how to utilize those features to manage the course. Students also need access… >>>
The first thing we need to do as instructors are to clearly outline the expectations for communications, especially how discussion board posts should crafted. That would include both the initial response as well as participation posts with the instructor and other students. While the module states the instructor should not post too much, I believe to get the conversation moving it requires intervention by the instructor to facilitate and throw out ideas for discussion. I have seen limited online discussion in courses ranging from the 100 level courses at the undergraduate level to doctoral level courses. It seems without clear… >>>
I think it is important in asynchronous communication, such as email, that the instructor ensure the message is clear, doesn’t show frustration, nor could it be interpreted as offensive. In my experience many miscommunications have occurred because the sender did not take the time to review their communique before sending it for these issues. I also believe instructors need to realize their role is one more of a facilitator rather than a dominate figure and craft their messaging in that manner.
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