About me
Instructor in a post secondary Vo-Tech school
About me
Instructor in a post secondary Vo-Tech school
By using repetitive "practice" - students recieve feedback from the tasks the perform. Learning how the physical world responds to their inputs (or lack of them) helps a vo-tech student get better at what is required of them. Using small groups can also be beneficial as the students help each other learn too.
This class helped me reevaluate using introductions as a tool to better understand students preferred learning styles. By asking the question: "how do you like to learn" during the student intro's I can do a quick assessment of the entire group. Most students in vo-tech schools will include an element of "hands-on" preference for sure. Our classes are structured to provide that.
Group activites, allowing students to work with each other rather than just me providing feedback to them has always been one of my "go to" strategies. It not only helps me as an instructor/facilitator, but the students seem to enjoy sharing their experience + knowledge with one another too.
Groups working together on a project actually puts the students in the role of instructor in many ways, the individuals who have more experience/knowledge can help the ones who are a little less experienced and therefore everyone benefits. I've also noticed that having a student help another student often makes it less intimidating than if I as instructor were to provide feedback/guidance. I monitor the interactions so that incorrect info doesn't get out there, but for the most part - having groups work together is very beneficial for faciliating learning.
I try to provide examples of where information or processes might be used in working in the field. Helping students understand how their work and the way they do it affects the outcome of day-to-day operations in the field can bring perspective to the information being presented.
I really appreciated the info + example regarding dyslexia. I've had some experience with students who state they have this disability - but actually being faced with an example of what they experience was very enlightening. It took me a few minutes to figure out what the sentence said + I can just imagine the frustration level of someone who face that consistently. Going forward - I will make it a point to support anyone who tells me they have this disabilty to my best ability.
I agree with Lee-Ellen on this subject. Setting the expectation up front that cell phones are not permitted -unless there is an emergency + they let me know about it. I try to use the "normative" approach here as I have my cell phone on me - I show it to them, I indicate it's on vibrate + that if I get an important call - I will step out of the room (where I can still see them through the window of the door) and take the call. I expect them to do the same.
Reality steps in @… >>>
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