Stephanie Daniels

Stephanie Daniels

About me


In one of the lessons, it explain that instructors are responsible for taking initiative and being assertive in communication. As defined by Carl Benedict, "assertive communication is a style/form in which individuals clearly state their opinions and feelings, and firmly advocate for their rights and needs without violating the rights of others(be sensitive and respectful)".

I always enjoy the classes! The information is well-organized to enhance my learning and to give me what I need to teach the students. I will definitely utilize this information in my practice.

Yes, the challenges keeps us on our toes as instructors. Also, if the student that ask the question was a millenium student or a student of the technology generation then they could have easily researched the answer and shared it with the class to strike up more challenges/interest and class participation. I understand that this generation wants to particiapate in shared learning, even with the teachers. It is no longer like it used to be where the students relied on the Instructors for the answers. Now with technology, the students can research the answers just like the Instructors can research… >>>

I like the participatory managing style because it gives the experience worker/students a chance for feedback and collaboration.

This tutorial was very helpful. Ithe will help me to interact better the different styles/characteristic of co-workers and students. We just recently did a similiar  in- service called "True Colors". 

The tutorial taught me some new things and reminded me of some things I was already familiar with. Mainly what stuck out to me the most is, the distortion and destruction that can happen when a business have poor/ineffective communication between the employers and employees, employees and employes and even at home with family. Make sure communication is clear so that everyone can be on the same page of understanding. I do think this is important key to healthier relationships and then better success. My plan of action is to use this information at my workplace to be successful employee… >>>

I am interested in being a Facilitator of a flipped classroom. Also, I am relieved to know that I do not need to flip my classroom all at one time. Most of all, what I think what will help me is to hear/read testimonies/experiences from Instructors that are already flipping the classroom. What are their suggestions/feedback?

Blog Comment

I am preparing for online instructing and what I already know I am understanding it better. I think that this course was very good for assisting me to teach more effectively. It was a lot of information that I will need to review again. Some assessments I am already doing as a clinical instructor but I did not know the terminology for which some of the category is called. I will utilize what I have learned in this course to improve and revise the assessments that I already use for better results from my students. 

So true, as one of the topics mentioned, "It takes a village!" Intervention sometimes happen too late because we did not communicate well to the student nor to each other. Most of all, we must practice being more sensitive to the students and their needs.


I just completed EL101 which is an online course and enjoyed it very much! I also completed ED311 which gave me new ideas about teaching and instructing my clinical students. I was just happy to know that this program offers courses for such subjects specifically for how to teach the clinical students. I really appreciated the opportunity!!!! 

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