Susan Funston

Susan Funston

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Discussion Comment

I try to use many different review methods.  I will ask questions or provide a review slide frequently in a presentation.  In addition, I will ask students to give information they think was most important during a chunck of learning.  The students enjoy playing various review games in the classroom.  Some are organized ahead of time like Jeopardy.  Others are spur of the moment and may involve just asking questions off the cuff.  Sometimes I ask the students to ask the questions and see if the other class members can answer them.  They often ask better and more challenging questions… >>>

Yes.  This is a big challenge in teaching veterinary technology as well.  There is just so much scientific, factual information to present that it is easy to fall into lecturing all of the time without getting the students actively involved.  It doesn't take long for them to become bored and tune out!



I beleive that graphic organizers can be great tools for helping students to break complex information into more "bite-sized chunks."  By categorizing information it becomes more manageable.  Relationships can also be shown which can help students to scaffold or build on other learned concepts.

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