I may be unpopular in this comment, but we really need to examine a student's aptitude and ability to succeed in an accelerated program. Motivation is very needed, but if a person does not exhibit the required mental ability to gain knowledge quickly and accurately, we are doing them a disservice when pushing them through a stress. These students may be successful, through extended time and added remediation. However, this pace does not allow for that needed input.
Reply to Alison Hanson's post:
"People don't care what you know until they know you care." Old philosophical educational quote I have tried to utilize.
Just in Time Teaching gives opportunity to provide content preview and homework review. This can assist instructors by providing a means of "quizzing" the information, without taking up classroom time.
I like the concept of "backward" approach in designing lessons. What content must be learned? What are the objectives in this content? How do I break down these objectives into learning "bites"? What methods will I utilize to show the student shows mastery of each objective? Etc.
"New and Shiny" concepts really are recreations of former concepts, with a small twist. I do like the idea of variances in how to deliver content. Students must OWN their education, not just expect to be "spoon-fed" information. This method has great appeal to creating more student engagement, which I will definitely support.
As a little behind in the newer technologies, good to see the course list TechSmith and SMART Technologies as starting points.
See it, do it, teach it. This will help my students understanding neurology rehab.
Was a public elementary school teacher for 17 yrs before changing careers, becoming a Physical Therapist Assistant. Circled back to teaching on this level after 14 yrs in the PT field. I say that to acknowledge variances of Flipped Classroom have been presented before, utilizing technology, and have been successful. To slide into Flipped classroom concept, recoreded lectures can happen during class, and be used as remediation or review. Other sites with relevant video can pre-set the skill before application returns in labs or classroom. The biggest issue is to not fully expect all students to handle this set-up. You… >>>
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