Shelly GravesLynn

Shelly GravesLynn

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These are learning tools I will definitely be trying with students. making learning more fun and  at the same time while using critical thinking and active learning technique

I will definitely be using the ideal with the dots in the clinical setting. Love this

I have acquired a lot of new knowlege when it comes to active learnig  I want my students to succeed in their learning activies  and critical thinking.   The more I am aware of my of teaching style  the better I can engage my students to an active learning and more successful environment

I am more mindful that I am to prepare my students when learning to be crtictica/analytical thinkers. to be able to diagnose , evaluate, priotiize  and do stategegic planning and much more in the classroom and clinical  setting. This has expaned my teaching knowledge

I have Learn that I need to always come prepare way above the expected dicussion topic prepared for that day. Have a plan A and a pln B for activitives and events because students gets bored. Keep them engaged

I have learned that you muct keep students active and moving to keep them fully engage in the content that they are learning  to keep them thinking.

I have learned that Questioning  builds the students but it is all in the approach or tecchnique of how it is guided

The different learning styles helps students to improve on their grade average.Therefore it is good to teach on a variety of styles to enhance learning in the classroom

A great knows content, subject matter, and their student. Also having compassion is aways rewarding


I have learned it is very important to take time to see the classroom from the students perpective.

Also look at the the maturity level of the students when putting them into groups assignments it can help with their confidence

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