ShaRonda Grimball

ShaRonda Grimball

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When teaching an online course it is important to create guidelines so that the content students post are on topic, moves the conversation forward, and neither too long or too short. 

I learned in this module that it is important to set expectations for digital communication. One may assume that students would know proper netiquette but setting a standard before communication begins, can prevent break downs in communication. 

The importance of assessing communication tools and their effectiveness in the classroom. I think its very easy to put a system in place and assume everyone is satisfied with it. So stopping to make sure students feel the tools being used are helpful and not hindering them is very important.  

One thing that really stood out to me in this training is the trap of asking questions to provide solutions. Although I know our goal is to help students find solutions, I expected to be taking a more hands on approach. However, I see how it is more beneficial to the student to empower them to find their own solutions. This module also gave several techniques to help us help the students think for themselves such as the cartesian method, role modeling, and role playing. 

In this section I found the snip model as a way to give constructive feedback very helpful. When the feedback is specific, neutral, immediate, and practical the students are more open to receiving it, they have a actionable items to follow up on. 

In this Training module I understood our purpose is less about managing our students and more about supporting them as they make their own decisions. Using tools and skills like asking open ended questions and getting to know their interests builds rapport and creates room to build a strong relationship between you and the student.  

When writing case notes MAPP is a helpful model to follow.

Motive establishes the purpose of the visit. Then assess the conversation with the student. Progress- notates how the student is progressing. Lastly what plans does the student have moving forward. 

Data doesn't have much meaning if it is inaccurate. It is important to put systems and checks and balances in place in order to ensure your data is accurate.  

Although there are many different factors to consider when instituting an employment verification process, It is most important to be clear on what the parameters are. We of course want to meet the standards given by the legislation and accreditation, however, we should strive to aim above those standards for the purpose of providing the most accurate and concise data. 

Through this training module, I learned how crucial documentation is to the accreditation process. I understand lack of that documentation can negatively impact the institution's accreditation. I also learned that gainful employment can have a different meaning to people. However, government entities are most interested in the student debt to salary ratio. This can affect our funding and what programs we offer to students.

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