Shareen Vogel

Shareen Vogel

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It's critical to build resilience to stress and stay aware of what is creating it. Avoid mind-traps and accept what you cannot change but change what is posisble, even if it's one step at a time.

It's important to keep a growth mindset in the workplace.

Using SMART techniques is key to identifying a path to goal setting.

It is critical to be able to face and handle conflict, as it is a natural part of any work team.

Negotiating is an art, but it can be learned. 

This course helped me understand the important of giving and receiving feedback.

To be a good persuador, a person has to know how to build credibility with his/her audience, win their hearts and minds, control his/her emotions and appeal to common sense, be skillful in overcoming resistance, and know how to apply the power of persuasion.

I will consider coaching as an opportunity to foster a positive work culture with my team and cultivate greater job satisfaction and motivation.

It is important to know your audience! Also, to have it be effective, good to deliver a memorable presentation and make a great first impression.

It is critical to have a feedback loop and review process that gives an opportunity to review both the data and feedback from stakeholders, revise and create along the way that stays relevant and accurate.

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