Sheria Blackmon

Sheria Blackmon

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Technical skills are very important for the online environment. Without certain technical skills, the student may not be very successful icompleting the course. Simple things such as copy/paste, sending an email are very basic for some and may be very difficult for others.


As the instrutor is important to evaluate your circumstances to see if you are going to be an effective online instructor. In addition, students must do a self evaluation to determine if an online course is something that they want to engage in.


It is so important to engage learners. This allows the instructor to detrmine if learning is taking place withe students and it maintains   the course momentum. Moreover, it allows the instructor to see if additional help is needed.


What I have learned is the importance of projecting my appearnce in an oline enviornment. This so impirtant. This will let students know that this not a fly-by-night course; it will set the presedence of who you are the course expectations.


What i have learned is the importance of the following:

Comprehending course structure 

Comprehending the couurse delivery platform 

Comprehending the support infrastructure 

Comprehending the course content and the course delivery format.

Understanding the impotance of these things will ensure the success in online course delivery.


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