Precious Biggom

Precious Biggom

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I learned more about learning preferences/styles and that although we typically have a dominant preference it can depend on what class/subject we are learning. 

The importance of allowing access to the students' mother tongue to aid in learning new languages such as English. 

The importance of intercultural communication and strategies to implement. 

The different strategies to implement to be gender inclusive and being mindful of humor. 

I found it interesting to learn about the how the Solomon Act supersedes most elements of FERPA. 

Learning about the challenges faced with protecting student's private information while also trying to comply with regulations for releasing records for legal or health reasons. 

I've gained a better understanding of the regulations for FERPA. 

I learned a clear definition of what is included in FERPA and what is not. I was not familiar with sole possession of notes, which is good to know. 

From this module, I've learned how to use the student's motivation as a learning tool. 

I enjoyed learning about the REFOCUS strategy.  I can use these techniques to re-ignite my spirit for teaching when it becomes tiring. 

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