Sharon Lawson

Sharon Lawson

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Consistent and valuable feedback interaction is paramount for online learning. Also, integrating the ARCS writing technique when communicating with students is valuable: Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction. 

Online technology provides various ways to engage with student, including chats, discussion boards, video or audio meetings, emails, announcements, and collaborative group projects.

I have been teaching blended courses for 14 years, and this method allows for students to engage, plan, find the best time to work, and review. 

Successful online learning techniques includes the seven principles stated in the module: Encourage contact with instructor and students, Develop reciprocity & cooperation, Encourage active learning, Give prompt feedback, Discuss the appropriate "time on task," Promote high expectations, and Encourage respect for all individuals. 

Using of a variety of communication tools is paramount for an online course. These tools should be assessed as to whether they enhance or detract from communicative learning.  I learned about asynchronous and synchronous learning environments. Asynchronous is "Anytime" (discussions, emails, wikis, blogs, and synchronous is "Real Time" (meeting together online as two people or a group).

I love having the community groups. Communication is key, and it must be clear, specific, professional, and respectful.

I like the idea of posting a video for the instructor's biography and for weekly directives. 

I love the term "digital natives." I have noticed this for my past 14 years of teaching. Incorporating digital learning activities enhances this group of learners. I have used online discussions, student created glossaries and test questions, and peer/self-reflection exercises. I would like to try the "jigsaw" activity in the future. 

Active learning is the new paradigm as it has shifted from traditional lecture. Active learning does not need to always be labor intensive, as it can be low-risk activities, such as think/pair/share, the muddiest point, or reflective writing. Assessments are also important and they must have clear rubrics attached. 

The active learning environment has become the modern way of learning. Using active learning for online course does take time and effort on behalf of the instructor. It is essential that the teaching institution provides excellent learning platforms with enhanced technology. Technology that fails or is slow causes frustration for both the instructor and the student. 

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