Shani Levy

Shani LevyCHEP

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I like the tables to be arranged in a U shape, sometimes if the class is very large I may have an outer and an inner U. I find that this helps me to work around the room when teaching so that I do find myself trapped behind my desk when giving my presentations, and I also closer to the students I also makes it easier to break the students into groups, as we just move the table apart. I teach many of the introduction classes, so every week I like to have a new seating chart, so that the… >>>

Teaching students from different cultural, financial, social and age backgrounds at a vocational level is a real challenge for me at times. Students bring with them all kinds of expectations that we might never live up to. I have learnt to make some accommodations for students while not diluting what I am trying to teach them. I find a good way to get through to students at my school is to remind them that they are all there pursuing a dream, and that dreams are not easy to attain but I am here to help them achieve this goal. I… >>>

I like teaching using as many of the styles that I can during the class. My problem is that after a few months I lose interest in the formats that I have been using. Where can I find information on how to present the information without boring the students or myself?

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