Scott Smith

Scott Smith

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Mostly, you should give students reasons to find relevance and make connections.  Story telling is effective in creating interest, but also making connections with content.  

Be yourself, be conscious of student needs, and put on a show.  Get the students interested and involved.  

Never, ever take yourself too seriously.  Remember the purpose and build those relationships.  Be self-depricating if needed, and don't be a know it all.  Dad jokes work well, try to be hip, but don't be hip.  These are all ways for students to connect with you as a real person.  

I think ultimately this is about being a good listener and building relationships with your students.  That can be hard to do in the little time that we have with students, but ultimately it will help them to connect and trust you as a mentor or guide.  

Again, since each kid is different and ASD presents so differently, instruction needs to be tailor for each kid.  

Finding solutions is key.  That may mean conversations with parents, the student and other professionals in order to provide the supports necessary to achieve in the classroom.  

The thing that relates to the classroom for me is that there are high functioning kids with ASD who mask very well.  That is something that as teachers we need to recognized and be aware of strategies to effectively reach those kids.  

I've learned that there are many diverse ways in which ASD might present and that each individual is different.  Therefore, the classroom must be a patient place. 

I intend to really try to offer kids options in expressing themselves.  Visual guides or picture art along with audio and video presentations will be opening the door to better expression.  

UDL is most effective when the learning outcome or objective is easily identified by the student.  If the student knows the destination, then the path can be chosen by the student in a manner that best that student.  

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