Mark Saenger

Mark Saenger

About me


The course Effective Teaching Strategies should be used with every new teacher coming in to the field. Wow so many great tools ,Ideas, and overall good information. I have been teaching for over 14 years and I loved this course. This makes me feel GREAT about what I do and what I have been doing. I will even use a few things I have learned in the course to keep me on top of my game.

I have found that PowerPoint is overused and keeps the spirit of teaching lost. It does have its place and a "GREAT" powerpoint presentation with color ,anamations ,videos Etc is great. I wonder how many use powerpoint everyday just reading from a poor slide that they made or were given, no real energy just line after line oh put me to sleep now. If this is the only way the teacher delivers the material to their students day after day then they need to learn some other teaching techniques. Maybe teachers like myself who never use powerpoint are looked upon… >>>

Discussion Comment
I think it's so important to show your students that we care about them as people and about their success. The students can see through a phony. Listen to the student! Sometimes this will take more of your energy, but thats when the students needs you the most.

I think we all can do a lot more then just say "Hello my name is ". In my opinion this does nothing to break down the barriers the students bring to school. I like to think we can do this with a more creative flare. Personally I like to open up the very first day with something funny and then tell the students about myself. I Then put the students into pairs and they talk and get to know each other. They then introduce their new classmate to the others and share what they learned about them. Here is… >>>

Repport is so important in my opinion to getting the most out of our students. I can remember some of the teachers I've had in the past and their repport with the entire class was great !! I worked harder because I did not want to let them down. I felt a connection that pushed me to do the very best I could. Is eating lunch with the entire class after a final going to far ? What do you think going to far is? What is acceptable? Would love to hear what you all think.

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