Samantha McClymont

Samantha McClymont

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I think all of the sections in this module are intertwined. Employees need to remember that they are all representatives of the school and need to be mindful in all interactions. We cannot give false or misleading information regarding the school when discussing the program, outcomes, etc. We need to maintain transparency any time information is being discussed.

Marketing and disclosures need to follow the same guidelines as every interaction or meeting with prospective students. Anything being displayed and advertised for the school needs to be accurate and not misleading in any way. When giving facts, schools need to make sure they are based on statistics and facts as opposed to approximate guesses. 

All interactions need to be treated the same way. The course asked about a "mystery shopper" and how we would handle the student and what information we give and the answer is easy. Whether the student is shopping or actually here for information, they should leave with the same information. We need to make sure the information we give is clear and true and can be backed-up in our catalogs and or policies. This topic reiterated what we do on a daily basis and emphasized what should be done with every interaction.


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