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A combination of print, audio, video and communication tools should be used by an instructor for the effective delivery of an online course. When converting the course content for use in the online environment, 4 O'S (Origin, Organization, orchestration and Outcomes Assessment) of course design should be kept in mind. Emails, Course Announcements, discussion boards, games and blogs are very good tools to use to enhance student engagement. Keeping layout of the online course consistent is very importanrt as it allows students to  access the course content quickly and easily and also makes it easier for the instructor to edit… >>>

It is important for an instructor to determine which method of fecilitation suits his style of teaching and the course the best and use it. As a fecilitator, instructor performs many tasks but the task of providing students with a meaningful, informative crttique is one of the most important ones. Since body language is not a part of online environment, instructor's message to students should be written in very clear terms. At the end of the course, the instructor must assess whether or not the fecilitation helped achieve the intended learning out comes for the students and make changes in… >>>

It is very important for the instructor to determine which method is appropriate for the delivery of his or her course, synchronous or asynchronus learning by comparing and contrasting advantages and disadvantages of each method. Developing guidelines is critical for both the methods as it makes expectations very clear to both the instructor and the students. Organization of the content and material is important for both the methods but it is especially vital for asynchronous learning. Many coponents in the pattern of teaching are necessary but communication is most important for the students to successfully meet the learning outcomes.


First of I learnt about different types of technology tools available for online teaching. Then it was made clear to me that instructor must undrtstand and then match the functions of each technology tool to meet the needs of the instructor and students for that course. In addition, whatever thev instructor's teaching style, facilitation of learning must be incorporated in every style of teaching. Finally, each technology tool must be assessed for its effectiveness in achieving learning outcomes or course outcomes to decide whether or not to continue using that technology tool going forward or look for another more appropriate… >>>

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