professional development...
start small and do step by step process when implementing
pre-recorded lectures need to be short and to the point... 15 minutes or less
no flipped classroom experience is the same... mix it up
Prep time may pose a challenge, but will be worth it in the end. Understanding the barriers...
Learning about the specific ways to "flip" the classroom.
Pre-recording the lectures and spending more time with activities, discussions, etc during class time.
I have learned to make good notes for myself when preparing to lecture on the subject. I have learned ideas on how to keep their attention span of 15-18 minutes... think creatively.
This gave great advice about how to conduct first class meeting. I have learned ways of keeping them engaged, yet providing them information about the course. I have learned the importance of remembering the student's names.
I have learned that proper planning and preparing is key to success. I am a first time teacher and I have learned to have a list. I learned about the components of a syllabus and how important it is to have one.
I learned about technical, professional and personal competence as well as about being a model for professionalism and growth.
I have learned that I must keep my students motivated and that I must ensure I know the content, know the student, and transcend the message.
I have learned how to be able to re-energize and refocus when things get a little "slow" or when I feel I may be losing my student's attention. I have learned about learnativity.
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