About me
I found it encouraging that instructors should not only use real world experiences (stories) in instruction, but also remind students that employers will expect deadlines to be met and teamwork to be successful in order to keep a job.
About me
I found it encouraging that instructors should not only use real world experiences (stories) in instruction, but also remind students that employers will expect deadlines to be met and teamwork to be successful in order to keep a job.
I found it encouraging that instructors should not only use real world experiences (stories) in instruction, but also remind students that employers will expect deadlines to be met and teamwork to be successful in order to keep a job.
Example from ED107 Course: "Every good instructor has a bag of tricks that travels with them everywhere they go."
I liked the idea presented by the Harvard professor. He stated that, "Teachers have to be believable" to their students.
@hkaiser : I enjoyed the concept of a syllabus as a CONTRACT between the teacher and his/her students.
I see that the robot cartoon came up frequently in the learning modules. Think of the royalties saved by hiring a robot instead of an instructor!
Sean Taeschner
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I liked the one comment from ED103. "Do not let one or two students dominate the classroom discussions." To do such would prevent other students the chance of participating.