About me
About me
I guess this would depend on what type of class you are teaching, but I find trust is very much like respect. If you want their trust you must trust them. Sometimes this is hard to do. But if you trust them and the see that, then they will trust you.
I thought that the 2x2 box on the board in one of the Harvard videos was really informative. it lets us know that we, as educators, are never going to start off by doing "the right thing" "well." That we have to start off by doing the "the right thing" "poorly", or even "the wrong thing" "poorly" before we can transition into doing our jobs well. It's just a humle reminder that we all have something to learn.
I thought that the 2x2 box on the board in one of the Harvard videos was really informative. it lets us know that we, as educators, are never going to start off by doing "the right thing" "well." That we have to start off by doing the "the right thing" "poorly", or even "the wrong thing" "poorly" before we can transition into doing our jobs well. It's just a humle reminder that we all have something to learn.
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It is absolutely imperative that an instructor knows where their strengths and weakness are. Otherwise they will never Grow. We must constantly look at ourselves and ask hard questions about the job we are doing, and weather or not we could do it better. I think too many teachers/instructors get locked into one way of teaching a class which will only focus on their strengths, allowing their weaknesses to stay weaknesses.