I learned in this module that instructors can use their institutionaal policies and procedures for guidlines to help resolve conflicts with online learners along with the fact that students can be counseled through email and chat privately; where the records should always be saved for future reference. I will definitely incorporate and use these strategies with online teaching.
As an instructor, I will use the synchronous and asynchronous discussions to promote student interaction. Encouraging online participation is another aspect that I will incorporate into my online teaching by identifying students who are not active participants, creating small group projects and coordinating learning activities so that reluctant learners are encouraged or lured to participate.
I have learned that participation in discussions and chat session is very important in the online learning environment; I will incorporate this aspect into my teaching and make my presence know on a regular basis by posting scheduled reminders for my students.
Since online instruction is different from face-to-face instruction, navigating through the CMS is a very important task; one when designing for lerning via asynchronous discussions, the instructor must encourage students to post meaningful information. I will apply this helpful aspect to my online teaching of instruction.
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